Video Montage_01

We’ve said this before – but we’re probably talking to ourselves most of the time – we don’t want this to be so irregular, but we can only do it with help from the community. So please, let us know when you see a South African gamer and his or her video. We want to feature it. We really do.

We kick off with Nick Holden’s Cast Off competition entry. He’s competing with many other shoutcasters around the world. Support him.

Cast Off Competition

Uploaded by Nicholas Holden

Call of Duty

Uploaded by F34RClanZA

Uploaded by Ganniicus ZA

Uploaded by Stuart Johns

Uploaded by clintsmith1977

Uploaded by ToXiKclanZA

Battlefield 3

Uploaded by Steph Fouche

Uploaded by remydpZA

Uploaded by ECHOSandman

Gears of War

Uploaded by Supanov4ZA

If you spot or even have a video that features and is edited by a South African gamer, please drop us an email (, and we will add it to our regular (as possible) feature.