If you had cleared your diary of social events to attend Pixelated Gaming Xperience this coming weekend in Cape Town… you can start taking bookings again.  The event, which claimed to be “more than just an exhibition or convention”, is clearly none of them anymore and has been cancelled.

While we have not had any official communication from the organisers ourselves, the Bandwidth Blog received an email announcing the event’s cancellation.

It is with great regret that we must inform you that the Expo scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled. As you can imagine this is most disappointing to ourselves and the various exhibitors, developers and other interested parties involved in the event. However, this is beyond our control.

This cancellation may not be a surprise to many, as the event was not exactly extensively marketed and details of what could be expected over the weekend were pretty thin on the ground.

Sadly, this means Cape Town is again without a substantial gaming expo, and as things stand at the moment, even next year’s GameX is being worryingly quiet.