New! Improved! 360 controller inbound? **UPDATE**

Joystiq has a report about a rumour about a new and improved 360 controller being readied for Christmas release.

According to a “trusted source”, the controller will feature a new d-pad that raises a quarter of an inch when rotated ninety degrees.

It would appear an attempt to solve the biggest problem of the pad – rotational moves with fighting games – but hopefully it will simply be an improved d-pad.  Period.  Exclamation mark!

Obviously, this is only confirmed when Microsoft says so, so for now, please wait around, because we’ll try to let you know as soon as possible.


Strategyinformer reports that Microsoft has confirmed this rumour, but with a release date of early 2011.

“The Xbox 360 Wireless Controller with Play & Charge Kit – with Transforming D-pad will be available worldwide beginning early 2011.”  As said by a Microsoft spokesperson.