Metal Gear Rising Reveangance new1 (600x338)

The Metal Gear Rising Revengeance ‘Jetstream DLC’ is now available on Xbox Live and the Playstation Network.

The DLC has you play as Sam and learn how he came to join the ‘Desparado clan’.

“Blizzard warnings were in effect Tuesday in Colorado, where the temperature plunged more than 50 degrees in less than 24 hours and the wind chill approached zero. Wyoming got more than a foot of snow, and forecasters said hurricane-force blasts of frigid air were possible in Utah.”

“The culprit is a deep dip in the jet stream that swung west and pulled arctic air far into the country. As it collides with warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, strong storms and tornadoes are possible in the Great Plains and Texas.” – Platinum Games.

In case you missed it, here is the trailer for the DLC…