Gamer of the Week: Onza

Dario_HeaderHello. We’re Zombiegamer, and we like gamers. They’re tasty. We think you like gamers too, so here’s another one. Meet Onza. He likes sniping.

Go ahead. Introduce yourself. Don’t be shy.

“Hi guys onza here.” You might recognise that from my routine intro on the videos I upload to Youtube. Anyway, what’s up guys I’m Dario Barresi, I’m 17 years old and I stay in Endicott, Springs.

What’s you platform of choice? Why?

My platform of choice is definitely Xbox 360 because it is the world’s most popular platform. It also has the best gaming community as well as the best exclusive games.

Can you remember the first time you ‘gamed’?

Of course I can. I think I was like somewhere around 12 years old and I received a PlayStation One for my birthday with like 20 games. Man oh man those were my childhood years well spent.

How long have you been gaming?

I’ve been gaming since I was twelve and have only been gaming in the online multiplayer domain for a year and a half now.

When do you think you’ll stop gaming?

I’ll stop gaming when the zombie apocalypse is upon us because then IT’S ON. [So that will be 13 December 2015 then. We’ve tentatively scheduled thee start of the apocalypse for then. – Undead Ed]

Are you a serious gamer? Or do you enjoy a laugh?

I’m only serious when I play some competitive matches from time to time, but all in all, not really because I am a sniper and I love to snipe and laugh about how try-hards rage when they get PWNED.

Singleplayer or multiplayer?

Multiplayer for sure. Although I do enjoy a good storyline every now and again.

Is playing online important to you?

Yes it is, because I get to chill with mates doing what I enjoy and that’s what its all about. YOLO.

Are you a member of a clan? Who are they and why?

Yes I am. I’m a member of a clan of elite snipers, feeders and trickshotters called PRESSURE. We are working towards becoming big on Youtube and to promote E-sniping . We are a big family of around 15-20 snipers and we love to dominate in public matches and make them mg and Ar noobs rage for days.

Favourite game currently?

Call of Duty Black Ops 2.

Do you have any hobbies outside of gaming? What?

Yes, I’m very into paintballing as well as dirt biking. I am also a brown belt in karate.

You’re stranded on a desert island and a genie grants you five items. Name them:

A game: Minecraft. Who can ever stop playing Minecraft?

A CD: Any Linkin Park CD.

A movie or TV series: The Matrix box set.

An organic life form: The hottest chick on the planet.

Something edible or drinkable: M n M’s and Monster Energy.

What’s the most embarrassing or worst game you’ve ever bought or received as a gift?

Nike Kinect Training. So boring.

If you were a game designer, describe your ultimate game design.

Ultimate first person shooter, with amazing sniping capabilities.

The zombie apocalypse has happened. You’re facing down a ravenous zombie horde (which may or may not include members of ZG in bikinis). What weapon do you grab?

Pack-a-punched Galil FTW. Let’s see how they manage then. [You’ll probably be able to find out n around two years then. – Undead Ed]

In the aforementioned zombie apocalypse you humans are all toast. Become a turncoat and assist the superior zombies or stay with the soon to be wiped out human resistance?

Soon to be wiped out human resistance… pppppppssssssshhhhhhh. When I lead the resistance, the zombies will feel pain even though they are undead. ;-p

Thanks for taking the time to answer our silly questions. What game are you off to play now that you’re done?

I’m off to go play some Minecraft with my mates . Thanks ZG.

Dario is also hosting a Minecraft tournament. You can find out more (as well as check out his videos) on his Youtube channel.

We welcome all gamers, regardless of age, sex, creed, platform or whether you’re human or zombie.  There’s no discrimination around here, so feel free to contact us if you are keen to feature in this column in the future at and we’ll think about – after you’ve sent us a sample of your braaaaaaiiiiinnnnsss.