Dragon Age 3 | Not in development yet…

… but it appears there’s already a lot of talk about it and what it will be like.  Allow me to summarise it for you.  Dragon Age 3 will be like the offspring of Dragon Age 1 and Dragon Age 2.  Simple.

But even before Dragon Age 3, there will be more DLC for Dragon Age 2 – which will most likely be the groundwork for Dragon Age 3.

Now, before everyone thinks I’m being a Dragon Age hater… I’m not.  I’ve played through DA2 twice and will be starting my second playthrough of DA: Origins next week.  I’m an addict.  However, let’s be honest with Dragon Age 3 not even in full development yet, there’s a lot of speculation doing the rounds.  Yes, a fair amount is straight from the horse’s mouth (well, BioWare’s Mike Laidlaw to be exact – so he should know), but a lot of changes happen over the development cycle and promises are not always kept.

That being said, I’m rather excited by what I hear.

With the story of the Grey Warden’s now over, the world of Ferelden is at war between the mages and templars and the player will travel to places as far as Orlais and Tvinter to try and [further incite or] calm the fighting.  One of the maps that have been shown was “four to five times larger than Ferelden,” and cited as the future of the series.
The new game will feature a new hero who may or may not – read ‘unlikely’ be able to co-op through the game with real live friends.  Your companions will keep their “unique” armour designs (as in Dragon Age 2) which will change visually over time, and combat will revolve around “preparation, teamwork, and positioning,” with less button-smashing.

But, before all that, there will be more Dragon Age 2 DLC which will feature more of Varric, Leiliana and Flemeth, and a return of Morrigan.  BioWare says that the Legacy DLC was well received, and that it will be the model for updates in the future – expect for the AI which they agree was not as smart as it should’ve been… although the undead aren’t actually Einstein’s you know.

All this information and more is on NeoGaf which has done an excellent job of summarising things.