Dead Space 2 Announced

Visceral Games, and Electronic Arts Inc. studio announced Dead Space 2 today in a press release sent out to international gaming sites.

Isaac Clarke will return to call the shots this time round, and with new tools to use, new characters to meet all to take the fight to the Necromorphs. Nick Earl, Senior VP and Group General Manager at EA said  “Like so many gamers worldwide, we love the Dead Space franchise and are very excited to announce a new game in the series. Visceral Games is quickly becoming known for delivering high-quality, action-packed games.” Apparently in Dead Space 2, not everything is exactly as it seems. We can expect plot twists, a huge new cast of disgusting monsters.

In the off-chance you missed Dead Space; it was one of EA’s top rated survival horrors that won close to 100 industry awards and an average critic score of 89. It was a smash hit and I am pretty sure all that played the first title, will pre-order this one the moment it is available.

I am sure we can expect it in 2010 however no confirmed date was given. It will be available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

