Tag: transcendence

Weekly Doom transcends

So how has your week been? All I need to say about Unforgiven is, SAMURAI! http://youtu.be/PY3P-IDD5rY I was not sold with the first trailer for Transcendence. But this second one has me. [It has you? Thank goodness. Means we don’t have to deal with you anymore – Undead Ed] http://youtu.be/ysR8y34BXek Wow, I just got excited for a trailer with Paul…

Weekly Doom goes 2014 baby

Right now is the best I have felt all year. How sad is that? Miss me? Yeah YOU DID! [No. We didn’t. – Undead Ed] Game of Thrones season four is coming… Say what you want but Expendables 3 knows how to tease! http://youtu.be/dCvCJgsnXrY Hard Rock Yankee Doodle ladies! What do you get when you take your Kevin Hart with…