
Industry news i.e development, persons, tech etc

A new Dead Rising coming?

Frank West himself hinted strongly that there might well be another adventure coming.  Whether it’s a hint of a new game, spin-off, add-on or simply a planned sabbatical remains to be seen. “I’m getting packing for my new adventure – camera, notebook and baseball bat. What else would i need for a break in paradise? – Frank” Some sunblock maybe?…

Epic Games Concerned Over PS Vita Needing to Compete With Smartphones

Epic Games had signed a deal with Sony for the use of Epic’s Unreal Engine 3 on the PS Vita awhile back already, but are now not fully backing the upcoming handheld as far as in-house development goes. Epic Games’ president, Mike Capps told GamesIndustryBiz  in a recent interview that Epic’s reluctance towards investing in  the Playstation Vita  is due to the…

Super Mario Bros. Creator: “I’m going to retire, I’m going to retire”

Thankfully, Miyamoto now aged 59, is not completely closing the curtain on gaming, but has told in an interview that he is stepping down from his current position to concentrate on smaller, more personal projects. Any avid gamer from any generation should know the name of the grand creator of ‘Super Mario Bros.’, ‘Donkey Kong’ and the more recent…

The Witcher 2 Illegally Downloaded 4.5 Million Times

The Witcher 2 creators, CD Projekt told PC Gamer in an interview that their flagship RPG title has been illegally downloaded 4.5 million times. CEO and co-founder Marcin Iwinski explained that he had calculated the figure by monitoring stats on torrent sites, and that this is an estimation. “I was checking regularly the number of concurrent downloads on torrent aggregating sites,…

Microsoft: “Minority Report Meets Microsoft” as Kinect Makes You the Remote Control

Microsoft are integrating the entertainment system via Kinect by bringing gaming, TV and social media together in one unit with advanced voice and motion controls. The user becomes the remote control through voice and gesture control and this new feature marks the most significant update from Microsoft for the Xbox 360. TV, video, movies and music will be instantly searchable,…