Video Montage Competition

There are some budding editors of gaming video montages in South Africa.  Some dabble, some come up with award winning footage and others – like me – manage to break everything trying…  So how about we give all budding editors a platform to show off their skills we wondered (out loud)?  And how about we get Ozone Energy Drink South Africa involved too?  For a moment or two we felt like smug geniuses.

We are happy to say, that we can announce that starting as soon as we get footage rolling in, we will be running a “Video of the Month” which will get a prize from our sponsors Ozone Energy Drink.  We have grander plans than that, but we’ll see where this all goes first.

We will pop up videos on a weekly basis, and at the end of each month (starting with the end of May) we will announce the winner.  Yeah, you could just be Mr. May.  Or Mr. June.  The ladies will love it…

So, get editing.  You don’t have to make a movie length feature – it can be a short film too.  Or the length of an advert.  Heck, make it as long or short as you want it to be.  Don’t feel you need to be the Steven Spielberg of gaming montages either.  If you want to use a handheld, feel free to.  We just want to see you gaming.  The only requirement to qualify for the competition is to add a reference to the sponsor Ozone somewhere in the footage.  It can be a logo on a wall either in game or in your house – if your parents/wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/zombie lets you – or a still at the end or a can somewhere in shot.  Be as creative as you can be.

Craig ‘FairyGodFather’ Stuart from the clan DMW was kind enough to put together this footage to give you an idea of what can be done.  We’re eternally grateful to him from the bottom of our, er, not quite beating hearts.

Drop us a line on if you have a video or just want to ask some questions, and we’ll help as much as brain-dead beings can.

If you want to grab some Ozone Energy Drink related images, head over to their site.  If you’re keen to try the product you will sadly need to a wait a little longer – the first retail product will be arriving in South Africa early May.  They are keen to support the gaming scene in South Africa and we should be able to make announcements very soon about their sponsorship of clans and events around the country.