Tag: Command and Conquer

Gaming News Wrap [30 Oct 2013]

Good morning all. Lots to get through today, so let’s not delay shall we? Titanfall is not a timed exclusive on Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC, but a full-on exclusive title. So says Major Nelson via Twitter: “Yes, @Titanfallgame game is exclusive. No, not a timed exclusive. It will only be available on Xbox One, Xbox 360 & PC”.…

Gaming News Wrap [13 May 2013]

Good morning gamers.  This past weekend was jam packed with gaming activity in South Africa, but Cape Town was especially active with 2upGamers and the MSSA Cape Town Black Ops 2 Regional on Xbox 360.  Our congratulations to Team XtaZ who won the tournament and will be awarded City of Cape Town colours.  More on both in other articles… first the…

Command and Conquer ‘Alliances’ Domains Registered

It was recently speculated that EA could have a new Command and Conquer game in the works. Fusible [as reported by TeamXbox] has now picked up on EA registering a large amount of domain names pertaining to the Command & Conquer franchise: alliances-commandandconquer.com alliancescommandandconquer.com candcalliances.com candctiberiumalliances.com commandandconquer-alliances.com commandandconqueralliance.com commandandconqueralliances.com commandandconquertiberiumalliances.com generalsalliance.com generalsalliances.com redalertalliance.com redalertalliances.com tiberianalliances.com tiberiumalliance.com tiberiumalliances.com So a Command…